Benefits In FHA Loans

When it comes to qualifying for a mortgage loan, there are many different types of programs available. With the many different mortgage programs available, it is important to choose the best program for your particular home loan needs.

One of the home programs you can choose from is a FHA mortgage loan. This type of program is designed for 1st time home buyers. FHA home loans can be used to purchase a primary residence or refinance an existing mortgage. Below are the many benefits to the FHA program.

Reduce Down Payment

A FHA mortgage loan offers buyers a program with a lower down payment. The current minimum down payment for a FHA home mortgage loan is 3.5%. The source of the funds for the down payment can also come from many different sources including a gift from a family member or church, a 401K loan or withdrawal, and any money saved up in a checking or savings account. By allowing the down payment to come from many different sources, the FHA mortgage program helps buyers purchase their new home.

Seller Paying up to 3% Closing Cost

FHA loans also allow the seller to contribute up to 3% towards buyers closing cost. This is extremely important in assisting a buyer purchase a new house and reducing the amount of money needed for closing. Sellers can pay closing cost, prepaid items like taxes and home insurance as well as interest on the loan. For example, if a buyer purchases a home for $100,000, the seller can contribute $3000 towards the buyers closing cost.

Reduce Mortgage Rates

For many clients, FHA home mortgage loans offer the most competitive rates. FHA home loan rates are not tied to credit scores like the way conventional home mortgage loan rates are. For example, if a homebuyer has a credit score of 660, the FHA home mortgage loan the rate would be same if their score was 740, but on a conventional home loan, the credit score of a 660 compared to a 740 would see an increase of about .75% to the rate.

Mortgage Insurance

Another benefit in the FHA mortgage loan program is the approval of mortgage insurance. FHA home loan mortgage insurance is approved as long as the home mortgage loan is approved. This is not the same when it comes to a conventional home loan. Many times, a borrower can be approved for a conventional mortgage loan, but will not be approved for mortgage insurance. This results in the loan being turned down, but with a FHA mortgage loan, as long as the loan is approved, mortgage insurance is approved. Also, the monthly mortgage insurance payment for a FHA home loan is usually less than the private mortgage insurance offered on conventional home mortgages.

Home Loan Size Limits

FHA home mortgages do have set loan limits that are established by HUD. To determine the loan limit in your area, contact your mortgage loan officer. For example, in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, FHA loan limits are $271,050.

Streamline Refinances

Finally, another benefit to a FHA mortgage loan is the ability to do a streamline refinance. A streamline refinance is when a homeowner refinances an existing FHA home loan into a new FHA mortgage. The streamline refinance program allows the client to refinance with limited paperwork. Though, it might be in the best interest of the homeowner to consider a full refinance over a streamline. Consult a mortgage loan advisor to see which program is best for you!

FHA loans are a great way to refinance or purchase a house. It is important to understand the benefits of each mortgage program that you qualify for and to make sure you are getting the best possible home loan.

David White is a mortgage officer with over 10 years experience. He specializes in FHA Mortgage Loans. Begin the FHA Home Loan process today. This article, Benefits In FHA Loans has free reprint rights.

With Secured Loans And Remortgages You Will Never Lose Out In A Good Deal Again

People off and on feel the need to borrow money, that is take out a loan, they have something specific that they want to buy or to do with the money that they receive in the loan funds.

The average person takes out a loan to buy a car every so often, normally every second year or there abouts and generally the loan for the car is arranged as hire purchase by the dealer ship involved. Most couples own a car each and their children who are old enough to drive also often are car owners these days.

Another very specific purpose for borrowing money is to carry out home improvements and most do not have enough ready cash, and those who do often prefer to keep it safe and sound in the bank in case they need it for a rainy day.These days people like a comfortable home, and as such the average person pays out a lot of money to maintain their home to the standards that they want

An attic conversion for example is very expensive, and those who can afford to pay for the work out right are few and far between

The car, the home improvements, etc. are so expensive that there are not many people with sufficient means to fund the purchase themselves

Taking out loans like this need of course advance planning

If some one is strolling down the high street one day and sees that fitted bedroom furniture is half price in a sale and it is the furniture that they have always wanted, without the required money in their pocket they would lose out on a great bargain.

A good idea for homeowners is to always have the ready money to hand by arranging a remortgage or a secured loan and putting the money in the bank to spend when a bargain of anything crops up.

In the same way if you looked at your local paper and saw a private sale of a car that was very reasonably priced and was in fct your dream car you would not be in a position financially to buy it and could therefore lose the chance of a life time.

Homeowners should arrange remortgages or secured loans and put the money raised aside for such an event

Want to find out more about debt consolidation loans, then visit Champion Finance’s site on how to choose the best debt advice for your needs.

How The Canadian Mortgage Finance Project Works

The USA and other countries have been hard hit with respect to the housing market. In Canada, it is virtually impossible to get a home loan without putting down some kind of deposit. All of these kinds of loans have been terminated. Many potential new home clients do not even apply for a loan unless they have at least five percent of the loan amount. There is however, a new option called the mortgage finance project, while it has strict lending criteria, there is an option for no deposit required.

Canada Mortgage Bonds may be considered as an alternative to Government Bonds. They may yield slightly more and are one hundred percent safe. The principle and the interest on these loans are guaranteed by the Canadian Government and carry a credit rating of AAA/AA1. This program is a housing finance initiative to provide an alternative, competitive financial solution.

This is an alternative for those who want to benefit of the low housing costs in Canada, but are unable to afford the five percent down payment. This is also useful for those who have saved, but do not have enough money. The banks would want you to believe that these two products are the same, but this is not the case. There are in fact significant differences.

The interest rates on zero down loans were the same as on five percent plans. With the new cash back system; the rate is about one percent higher than on traditional products. Since the bank is giving you the down payment, it offsets the fact.

Another big change is that if the mortgage is broken before the expiry date then you can expect to pay a penalty. This term is normally five years and this case the penalty would be ninety days. You will also be responsible for the cash portion that the bank had advanced.

Weighing up your options carefully is key to any financial decision. An average home increases in value by about 5%. This could complicate you saving up for the down payment.

Traditional mortgages are roughly . 25% lower than is the case with cash back mortgages. While this may not be appealing to you, take into consideration that you do not have to pay back the cash back portion. For this reason, purchasing sooner than later is wiser as in a years time this could have increased to ten percent. This makes the cash back mortgage a more cost effective option and a wise choice for the smart homebuyer.

On reading through the small print, you will soon discover that it is not a good idea to sell within the first sixty months. Only avail yourself of this option if you intend to stay in the house for a minimum of five years. By not adhering to this, you may find yourself liable for the cash advance.

The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation introduced a new mortgage finance project for Bahamas money in February, which aims to fund investors, provide investment opportunities, and at the same time reduce mortgage costs.

Taking out a Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage finance doesn’t have to be extremely difficult, as contacting your local Barbardos bank will help you make the right financing decision!

Find The Best Mortgage Insurance Quote In Canada And Maximize Your Insurance Experience

The adjective best is over used a lot nowadays. You do good and everyone comes in with you about how everything you do is the best.

That is a lot of bests. But when you think of “best,” do you think it’s probable to have the “best” mortgage insurance? It will not take long, but I will show what the best mortgage insurance quote in Canada entails.

You should read this because you are wanting to protect your loved ones and maximize their security. The surest way to protect them is to get pre-claim insurance which will all but guarantee your claim being satisfied because they approve you before you pay or submit claims. The other option is a post-claim insurance, which the banks offer, that qualifies you after you submit a claim and pay many premiums on it. The issue with not qualifying you until you submit a claim is that it gives them every opportunity to get out of paying for it.

For the first “best”, offers pre-claim insurance.

Next there is the matter of cheap quotes. The banks will be nice enough to offer you mortgage insurance in the middle of a massive paper signing festival and thus disadvantage you of fully knowing what you’re signing. You will not be able to go through it or shop for other options.

Comparing rates is crucial to knowing what you’re getting. You do have fiscal needs that need to be met, right?

You will find the most affordable quotes at and to prove it, they will give you competitors’ rates. They do this so they can continue their trend as “best.”

Then there is the issue of trying to guess what your quote should be. A lot of times, agencies or companies will just tell you a quote and not even be close, leaving you high and dry in the end.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a detailed and informative calculator that can give me instant and accurate quotes? www.infoprimes agrees and that’s why it’s on their front page. It’s kinda like “best” keeps getting better.

The bests game could go on and on, but just know that more awaits, the best customer service, the best usability, and the best in Canada. has a lot to offer, it will be worth your while.

Find important information on courtier hypothecaire or Courtier hypothecaire

The Crazy Way to Approach Buying a House in France

The Crazy Way to Approach Buying a House in France

Buying a house in France is a serious business for anyone. Whether you’re selling up lock, stock and barrel and emigrating to France permanently, or you’re lucky enough to be searching for a French holiday home, the expense is still substantial.

So why do we notice so many folks treat buying a house in France with so little thought? It’s not a pair of shoes – you can’t take it back if it doesn’t fit right!

Yet too often we hear the same horrors. Someone who has bought a French house without thinking and is now beginning to find problems. Who are these individuals? They must be doing very well to just travel France buying French property as the fancy takes them.

The mad thing is, nothing could be further from the truth. Often – in fact more often than not – these are couples putting their life savings, their whole future, into their French dream house.

And a alarming number of them haven’t got the first idea. They’ve done very little research, they don’t speak any French and they’ve sought no professional advice.

Then when things go pear-shaped they start moaning about the system, the language, the French, the agent… just about anything and everything is to blame but themselves. They treated buying a house in France like getting a lottery ticket and now they’re complaining because their one-in-a-million gamble didn’t pay off!

Now perhaps you think I’m being a bit extreme. I’m not. I know a family who you would think of as very sensible and cautious who signed an agreement to buy a French property while on vacation. They weren’t even looking for a house when they left England but they fell in love with the house.

What they were unaware of was that by the time they got back to the UK ten days later, getting out of the contract would cost them 12,000 Euros.

I can give you another example of a couple who bought a French property to live in part and turn the rest into gites. They wildly underestimated the renovation costs (because they didn’t ask) and now live in a place that needs a new roof. They can’t finish the work so they’ve only got small pensions to live off. The house is in a bad way so they can’t afford to sell and return to England either.

It’s all very concerning, really. I hear one of these stories about every other month and it’s such a pity. Now I’m not perfect, I’ve made plenty of mistakes myself living over here and renovating an old French property, but fortunately my misjudgements have been quite minor because I’ve invariably checked and double checked the costly things.

Which is, when you strip it all back to basics, all anyone needs to do.

The French property market offers a wealth of opportunities and buying a house in France is neither particularly hard nor particularly complicated. The trouble is that unless you’re French or you’ve owned French property before it IS new to you. There will be things you haven’t met before. There will be things that don’t go quite as expected.

The essential thing is to get a degree of knowledge behind you. Search online, buy a book or two, ask questions – and don’t give up until you’re happy with the answers.

France is a great place to live but it’s not dreamland and miracles don’t happen just because you want them. If you crash around blindly in the French property market you will find trouble. Do your homework wisely and buying a house in France will be a delight – which is what it should be and what I wish for everyone who is looking.

First Time Home Buyer Programs

Jeff Seems is an Englishman living in France. He is author of The French Property Buyer’s Guide which is vital reading for anyone thinking of buying a house in France.

Your Mortgage Could be a Goldmine of Potential Savings

Your Mortgage Could be a Goldmine of Potential Savings

“A penny saved is a penny earned”… or so the old proverb goes. Of course, the value of a penny has changed somewhat from the time when your mother offered her wisdom on the value of keeping what you earn. Today, you could save thousands of dollars by simply making the right mortgage decision. If you’re like most Canadian homeowners, your mortgage is a goldmine of potential savings.

In the past few articles, we’ve talked about the importance of your mortgage as one of your most significant financial decisions. We’ve explored the value of seeking the advice of a mortgage professional -whether you’re buying a home or renewing an existing mortgage.

Today, let’s take a look at the bottom line: the savings you can enjoy by making the right mortgage decisions.

It is the primary role of a mortgage broker to find you the right product for your personal situation. A mortgage broker is a financial professional and – like your investment advisor – he or she will want to understand your personal situation and payment preferences. Your mortgage broker has access to a broad spectrum of lending institutions, so you can do some valuable comparison shopping for the right combination of features, rates and mortgage options.

All these choices offer you substantial opportunities to save money over the life of your mortgage.

If you are like most homeowners, you are focused -for good reason – on finding the best possible rate for your mortgage. Your mortgage broker can offer you the best range of rate options and terms. If a mortgage broker can get you one per cent off the posted rate, that could translate into more than ,000 in interest per 0,000 borrowed over a 25-year amortization schedule. If, however, you believe that most mortgage rates are basically the same from one institution to the next, then consider the fact that even an eighth of a point difference in the rate can offer significant savings over the duration of your mortgage.

But it’s also important to look beyond the rate. There are other ways to find savings in your mortgage. Your mortgage broker is up-to-date on market trends and new opportunities… as well as some of the tried-and-true ways to save money in a mortgage.

Do you get an annual bonus in your job? You may want to use that bonus to pay down the principal of your mortgage. If you pursue this strategy consistently over the life of your mortgage, you could save thousands of dollars in interest by paying your mortgage off sooner.

Are you paid bi-weekly or bi-monthly? Consider a change from the usual monthly mortgage payment. Set up your mortgage payment schedule to coincide with your pay period. Again, you can shave years off your mortgage, and enjoy thousands of dollars in savings.

In the coming weeks, we’ll look at some of these savings opportunities in more detail. In the meantime, consider the old penny proverb again. How much is your time worth? Time savings is one of the key, unexpected benefits that clients say they have enjoyed when they choose to work with a mortgage broker. Above all, a mortgage broker is an expert in customer service, and that means that your broker looks after every detail of your mortgage research and negotiations on your behalf.

First Time Home Buyer Programs

The House Team is commited to providing quality information to help people make informed decisions about their mortgage financing needs.

Compare Ontario Mortgage Rates with the traditional banks.

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Mortgage Rates Ontario

With banks refusing to help homeowners with their underwater mortgages, a New York Times story advocates simply walking away. On Countdown. Copyright MSNBC 2010 Keith Olbermann housing market real estate mortgage default Countdown strategic default banks bankers
First Time Home Buyer Programs
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Clear Debt With Consolidation Loans And Remortgages.

It is not difficult to fall into debt and unfortunately many do get so deeply into the debt trap that it is difficult to escape from it and it has become almost a fact of life for many these days.

Debt is not inevitable but yet it is so common these days, and it is a feature that when it becomes apparent, has a terrible affect on the lives of so many people.

Many want to experience all that the universe has to be experienced and enjoyed and they seek high lights and thrills at every cut and turn through this wish for the best things in life.

Each morning on our way to work, we are faced with massive advertising hoardings telling us of all the best things in life that these posters advertise, and the people depicted in these adverts are needless to say all beautiful and handsome women and men.

Looking at these adverts we cannot help but notice that the people in them do not look much like us or our work mates , as they all look like movie stars. We truly believe or convince ourselves that if we bought the same watch costing thousands and wore the same expensive clothes that we could even win the heart of a movie star.

Jealousy is a bad condition and when we look at those with whom we work, or at individuals walking past us in the street, we hate to think for a single second that they appear to have more money than us.

On our hearts, we know that our neighbours and friends often have more income than us, but still we want all the same things as them. . So we take on more and more credit cards to enable us to go wherever we want and to buy everything that our heart desires. We do not stop to calculate and work out the total of the personal loan and credit card repayments monthly, and if we did, we would likely think that our addition was wrong as we could not believe the extent of all the debts.

Before it become a crisis , and the debt starts to cause stress , you really must obtain debt advice and the correct debt advice will be debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation is best arranged by either a remortgage or a secured loan which with their low interest rates will save a fortune and make life the way it was before debt struck.

Want to find out more about secured loans, then visit Champion Finance’s site on how to choose the best deals on a remortgage for you.

categories: secured loans,homeowner loans,refinancing,debt consolidation,mortgage,remortgage,finance

The Road Less Travel On Getting A No Credit Car Loan

Credit history is one such thing that often holds back people from availing new financial help to purchase a new or even a used car loan. Now, regardless of your credit ratings FICO score or history, you can easily get approved for low interest rate auto loans.

When you shop online for no credit used car loans you can find different financing based on your qualifications. Moreover, comparing different lenders can also help you avail no credit used car loans with low rate of interest, and you can even select terms which offer you the most favorable financing options.

Getting approved

In order to avail the best deal on used car loans you can get the financing done before purchasing the car. These pre-approved loans offer you the most favorable options and so you can decide how much you need to borrow and what rates you need to accept. It can even give you an edge when purchasing the vehicle.

When you first look for financing options it gives you time to check out different lenders. Rather than asking where you can get car loan, you could be asking who has the best financing options for you. Some online broker websites can be used to make side by side evaluation on different offers available. Therefore even when you have poor or no credit you would still have several options in financing.

Evaluating your options

No credit used car loans with low rate of interest are available in all sizes and shapes. The difference in terms just means the changes in interest rates that you would be charged. This simply means that when you have shorter loan term, it would cost you lower in interest rates. Moreover a large down payment can also help in reducing the rates.

So, when you are looking to get pre-approved for a used car loan you can even negotiate with the lenders about the rates and fees included in the deal. This can help you make the right decision when purchasing a used car.

You can also have a co-borrower sign for a car loan for you. You co-borrower credit history will be used for the whole process. By repaying your loan on time you will be able to develop a clean credit history

In this great country with myriads of financing avenues a no credit check car loan is not in-ordinary no is a bad credit car loan with no money down

3 Secrets To Be Mortgage Free

Would you like to be mortgage free in less than one half the time? Would you like to get rid of that ball and chain once and for all?

Your options would surely open up without being tied down to that monthly mortgage. Wouldn’t you agree?

Why would you want to pay off your mortgage faster? Let’s look at an example of a typical 30 year mortgage on a loan amount of $200,000 at a 6% interest rate. Your monthly payment will be approximately $1,199. You will make 360 payments over the course of the loan and you will have paid an additional amount in interest on top of your principle, of around $231,677.

Add the original principal and you paid out a sum of $431,677.00

There are basically 3 ways to pay off your mortgage fast:

1) Send in extra cash each month with your mortgage payment and request that it be applied to the principal or sign up for a Bi-Monthly payment plan, where you in essence make two payments in half the amount each month. What happens here, is that at the end of the year you will have made one full extra payment which will be applied to pay down your principle balance.

Second, you can do a mortgage refinance loan at a reduced rate.

Third, utilize a Home Equity Line (heloc) account. Using this second loan (you have to learn how), you can successfully reduce your original mortgage amount.

These three pay down strategies are great, but the third is head and shoulders above the others.

One challenge is that most of us simply don’t have extra money at month end to send towards our principle. And to make this strategy effective, you have to do it in a consistent fashion.

2nd: Since the 30 yr loan has it’s interest calculated only once every 30 days, the banks are getting rich holding on to our money each month until they need it to apply as per our request.

And finally, it is simply not recommended to keep refinancing the loan. Each time we do it, we pay large fees and points.

It is now easier, because of computers, to eliminate our mortgage fast, by utilizing the latest technology.

Many families today are flocking to an interest-reducing program that combines innovative software with banking systems that have been around for decades, to pay off their mortgages in 1/2 the normal time and in many cases even 1/3rd the time.

In Australia, over 1/3rd of the mortgages are structured this way. A few years back, billionaire entrepreneur, visionary and founder of Virgin Records, Sir Richard Branson, brought it to England. Now it is available in the great USA.

The wrong way is to get paid, deposit your income, pay your bills at the beginning of the month and save what is left over. The reason, is because when we do this we overpay way too much in interest on the principal amounts of the various loans we have.

The traditional way is no longer effective. Now we can use a Bank Line Of Credit or Heloc and have a powerful software program direct us on how to pay off that mortgage extremely fast, using no additional money or changing our lifestyle. You really must see this to believe it. Want to lose your mortgage super fast?

Would you like to save tens of thousands of dollars in interest and eliminate years of wasted interest payments?

Explore these methods. Change the way you look at having a long term mortgage loan. You will be glad you did your homework on this one.

My best-selling book 3 Secrets Of Millionaires, has a full chapter that discusses this one, extremely powerful, strategy, with examples, and indepth instructions. You can also get a print out regarding your mortgage and how fast you can pay it off. Wait until you see how many $1,000s of dollars you get to keep.

Learn more about how to eliminate your mortgage faster and become debt free. Stop by and pick up Mike’s best-selling book 3 Secrets Of Millionaires and implement 3 simple methods that can help you retire filthy rich.

Change Your Life with an FHA Home Loan

Change Your Life with an FHA Home Loan

Change Your Life with an FHA Home Loan

If you are a Florida first-time home buyer or have bought a Florida home before and have less than perfect credit you have come to the right place. At our FHA mortgage Loan Specialists will take you through the FHA home loan process step-by-step.

With an FHA mortgage Loan you can:

Purchase a Home with only 3.5% down payment. Remodel Your Home Make Home Repairs Make Energy-Efficient Improvements

FHA Loans are guaranteed loans, which means that FHA mortgage lenders will offer you lower, more affordable rates. Even if you have less than perfect credit or are a Florida first time home buyer, an FHA Loan can help you save money on the Florida home of your dreams.

FHA mortgage Florida , FHA loan Florida

  Minimal Down Payment and Closing Costs.

Down payment less than 3.5% of Sales Price Gift for down payment and closing costs allowed. No reserves or required. FHA regulated closing costs. Seller can credit up to 6% of sales price towards buyers costs.

Easier Credit Qualifying Guidelines such as:

Minimum FICO credit score of 540. FHA will allow a home purchase 2 years after a Bankruptcy. FHA will allow a home purchase  3 years after a Foreclosure

Higher Debt Ratio’s than other home loan programs.

Less than two years on the job is allowed. Self-Employed individuals o.k.


FHA Loan Programs Florida

At one point and time many years ago, the FHA loan was the only alternative to local  bank financing for Florida home buyers. In the fashion world, there is a saying: Wait long enough, and everything comes back into style. That rule applies just as well to Florida FHA mortgage program. Long-overlooked, the FHA home loan is becoming popular again with Florida Home Buyers for its low rates and the real security it provides Florida mortgage applicants.

For Florida banks and other mortgage lenders, FHA mortgage loan financing offers the security of a government insured Mortgage. Win/Win! To learn more, call today at 1-800-570-0448 or just use our fast and easy quick application!

For Florida first time home buyers and other borrowers, the FHA home loans can have key advantages:

Easy Qualification – The FHA mortgage insures lenders against loss for loans made to properly qualified FHA home loan borrowers. So you’re likely to find FHA loan with terms that make it easier for you to qualify.

Minimal Downpayment Requirements – FHA loans can work with as little as 3.5% down and those funds can come from a family member, charity, or your employer. Although the FHA loan does not have a zero down mortgage option yet, you will find that your 1st Continental Mortgage loan officer can point you to many Downpayment assistance programs that work well with Florida FHA home loans.

Less than A-1 Credit is Okay – The Florida FHA mortgage program exists to expand the pool of home buyers. Even borrowers with prior bankruptcies or mortgage lates get approved every day for FHA mortgages to buy or Refinance homes in Hillsborough County or any of the other Florida counties we serve. The FHA loan program uses credit quality, not credit score!

Lower Cost Over the Life of the Loan – The Florida FHA mortgage rates are extraordinarily competitive. FHA’s lower risk to the lender means a better rate for the borrower.

Safeguards for FHA Mortgage applicants Who Get Behind – The Florida FHA  mortgages also allow the lender more options in helping borrowers who fall behind keep their homes are get current again: special forbearance, workouts, even free mortgage counseling. Further, HUD can allow the FHA Mortgage lender to take past due payments and move them to the end of the loan and in some instance will actually pay your past due payments for you. Options to save your home you’ll never get from a conventional loan! In an uncertain world, this is another excellent reason for you to get an FHA home loan.

Manufactured Housing – Under certain conditions, you can even finance a Mobile Home or manufactured home using a Florida FHA home loan. Call 1-800-570-0448 to get pre-approved for a Florida FHA loan for manufactured housing or just use our quick application to learn more!

FHA Mortgages Are Fully Assumable – When you are ready to sell your Florida home, you can offer buyers FHA financing! All FHA loans can be assumed by qualified buyers.

These are just seven of the many good reasons to apply for an FHA mortgage. Call 1-800-570-0448 to speak with a friendly Florida FHA loan specialist now!

The FHA program has evolved since it started in 1934 and now has options for HUD insured loans that fit a variety of different borrowers and situations.

FHA Home Loans for Purchasing or Refinancing a Florida Home

Although Florida FHA home loans require additional paperwork, the reality is that applying for an FHA mortgage loan in Florida is not much different from applying for conventional financing. In fact, for many borrowers the small amount of extra time turns out to be an exceptional mortgage bargain because they save thousands of dollars over the life of their Florida Mortgage.

At 1st Continental Mortgage, we have been working with the FHA program for many years. We’re experts at assembling the proper paperwork and presenting your loan application to FHA approved lenders diligently and professionally. It’s one of the ways that we have earned our reputation for closing FHA home loans in Florida on-time.

You may be surprised at how flexible sellers are in the current market and how many programs there are that provide Downpayment assistance to applicants for FHA financing to purchase Florida homes, condos, and townhouses. The fact is, seller can pay up to 6% towards your closing costs. This means, no closing costs for you when negotiated during the purchase contract!

The FHA program offers excellent fixed rate options and never a prepayment penalty. If other mortgage lenders are quoting you subprime rates, you owe it to yourself to make the call to 1st Continental Mortgage to compare the costs of getting an FHA home loan for your home purchase. Call 1-800-570-0448 to speak with an FHA mortgage expert before accepting any conventional mortgage quote as the best you can do!

FHA Home Loans Offer the Convenience of Streamlined Refinance

An FHA streamline refinance is one of the easiest home loans for Mortgage Lenders and borrowers. Since HUD approved you for the original FHA loan, the paperwork to refinance is minimal and the process is simple.

So long as you have made your FL FHA loan mortgage payments on time for the previous 12 months, you can lower your monthly payment if interest rates go down with minimal out of pocket expense. Even if you have been late on your FHA mortgage, you might still qualify for an FHA streamline refinance in Florida under very specific conditions.

Less documentation and no appraisal are just two of the reasons a FHA streamline refinance is cheaper and faster for the borrowers who qualify.

FHA Mortgage Loan Streamline Refinance Requirements

When your 1st Continental Mortgage lender helps you get a streamlined FHA refinance on your existing mortgage loan, he or she will make certain that you meet these conditions:

Your current mortgage must be an FHA mortgage. You must have had your FHA Mortgage for at least 6 months. You must have paid your mortgage on time for the most current 12 months. Your FHA Streamline Refinance must lower the principal and interest portion of your mortgage payment by at least or convert the mortgage from an ARM to a fixed rate FHA home loan. You can’t get cash out on the FHA streamline refi. You must have an FHA appraisal if you are rolling the closing costs into the FHA streamline refinance. Any existing liens on your Florida home must be subordinate to the new FHA mortgage. FHA Mortgage Loan Refinance Programs for Cashing Out Equity

Although a streamline refinance does not allow you to cash out equity, we have a FHA loan refinance program that is specifically designed for borrowers who want to cash out equity to consolidate debts, make home improvements or to access funds for other purposes.

Unlike many conventional loan programs, the FHA mortgage does not adjust the rate based upon loan to value or credit score. You will find the FHA has very reasonable underwriting guidelines for cash out refinancing.

We have helped many clients borrow up to 85% of the appraised value of their homes and use the funds to consolidate debts or to make home improvements and other purposes. Qualified borrowers will have to look hard to find lower rates and better terms than they can get on Florida FHA cash out refinance right now!

Call 1st Continental Mortgage today at 1-800-570-0448 or use our quick application to apply for an FHA refinance on your home in Sumter County or any of the other Florida counties we offer FHA mortgages in.

FHA Home Loans For Mobile Homes with Land

Although some conventional lenders in Florida shy away from making a loan on Mobile Homes or manufactured homes, many FHA mortgage loan lenders do not.

In fact, mobile homeowners fortunate enough to connect with a Florida FHA mortgage lender, who is well schooled in how FHA loans work for mobiles and manufactured homes, can get a better interest rate, better terms, and a lower monthly payment by going FHA in nearly every case.

If you’re shopping for financing to buy a mobile or manufactured home on land in Sumter County or any of the other 66 counties in Florida that we serve, call 1-800-570-0448 and let us give you a quote for an FHA mortgage loan to purchase your mobile or manufactured home.

It only takes a few minutes to get an FHA loan mortgage quote on your Florida mobile home. We’ll wager that the savings on your monthly mortgage payments will make it some of the highest paid work you’ve ever done.

Few people realize that the FHA mortgage loan uses the same underwriting criteria for single and double wide mobile homes and manufactured housing as it does for traditional site built block or stick homes. In addition, FHA is one of the very few programs that can offer up to 97% financing on mobile homes on land. In addition, did you know that the seller can contribute up 6% toward your closing costs on an FHA mobile home loan and that down payment assistance can be used in Florida? It’s true! You could package your mobile home financing to create a real no money down loan with unbelievably low rates.

Call 1-800-570-0448 or use our secure online quick application for a free no obligation quote on financing your manufactured or mobile home using an FHA mortgage loan.

FHA Mobile Home Lending Guidelines

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets forth these guidelines for determining if a mobile or manufactured home qualifies for an FHA mortgage loan in Florida:

The mobile or manufactured home must be constructed in accordance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. A red tag is attached to the rear of each section of homes that comply with the standards. The home must be taxed as real estate by the local tax assessor’s office. The mobile or manufactured home must have been built after June 15, 1976. The mortgage must have a term of at least 30 years from when amortization begins. The mobile home or manufactured home must be on a permanent foundation. The axles and tongue must be removed from the mobile or manufactured home. The mobile home or manufactured home must have adequate skirting and insulation, and the crawl space must have adequate ventilation.

If you would like to determine if your mobile or manufactured home meets the guidelines for section 184 financing from FHA, call one of our Florida mortgage pros at 1-800-570-0448. We’ll be glad to help you determine if the property that you are interested in can be used as collateral for an FHA mobile home mortgage.

FHA 203k Mortgages For Florida Homeowners Making Home Improvements

The FHA 203k loan program is nothing more than a specialized FHA home loan designed to help homeowners make home improvements. It is especially popular in neighborhoods with properties in need of rehabilitation.

The FHA 203k loans work in Florida communities in much the same way as Construction loans for home improvement. Eligible borrowers can use the proceeds from these FHA mortgage to renovate and improve their primary residences.

Qualifying for a 203k FHA mortgage uses the same guidelines as a standard FHA mortgage for the purchase of a Florida home.

Target Borrowers for FHA 203K Mortgages

This specialized FHA mortgage is for Floridians who wish to buy a home that needs repairs or renovations. Just as is the case with a conventional construction loan, a single FHA 203k loan covers both purchase of the Florida real estate and renovation. FHA 203K financing can be used to purchase a property on a site and move it to a new foundation on the mortgaged property and rehabilitate it.

In addition, Florida homeowners can also use a 203k FHA mortgage to refinance existing debt when they finance one or more home improvements using the FHA 203k mortgage program.

Many borrowers are finding out what a good deal a Florida FHA home loan really is. Call 1-800-570-0448 today or simply use our quick application to find out more!


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